Der Österreichische Musikrat ist entsetzt über die russische gewaltsame Invasion im souveränen Staat Ukraine und bekundet seine Solidarität mit allen ukrainischen und russischen Staatsbürgern, die diesen Krieg verurteilen und sich davon distanzieren. Wir werden alles in unserer Macht stehende tun, um die Bevölkerung der Ukraine, die nunmehr zu Verteidigung und Flucht gezwungen wird, zu unterstützen.

Nachstehend teilen wir die Resolution, die der Europäische Musikrat (European Music Council, EMC) beschlossen hat:



The invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces is an appalling act of war on a sovereign and peaceful European country. The Board of the European Music Council is shocked by the current situation and the loss of innocent lives.

We stand in solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues and the Ukrainian people as they stand up to the Russian invaders. We express our empathy with all who are currently fleeing from the terrible attacks and trying to save their lives and those of their families.

We highly respect all the people, musicians and cultural operators in Russia who dare to speak out against this war via statements, demonstrations or resignations.

As a European network of music networks that have members in Ukraine and Russia, the European Music Council is convinced that music can build bridges and contribute to peace, tolerance and mutual understanding.

In Europe we are united in our solidarity with the Ukrainian people. The bloodshed must end and we will be there to support our Ukrainian colleagues now and in the future.

In the spirit of solidarity we share the statement of the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) and their solidarity fund. You can inform the ECF about emergency needs, especially in the field of culture (

You may donate directly to a Ukraine emergency edition of the ECF’s Culture of Solidarity Fund.

Together with numerous other European cultural organisations, the EMC signed a petition to urge world leaders to provide funds and support for continued cultural collaboration in Ukraine. Please sign here.

The European Music Council (EMC) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the development and promotion of all genres and types of music in Europe. It advocates access to music for all and for freedom of musical expression across Europe. As part of the International Music Council (IMC), the EMC strategies and actions are based on the 5 IMC music rights.

(Foto: Harald Huber)

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